Thursday, November 19, 2020

Instant Milk Peda

Hi all, So for the festive season of Diwali, decided to make Peda which is a very popular Indian sweet, made with Milk solids (Mawa). However, did not want to spend too much time on it so browsed and came across this recipe. It was easy with very less ingredients however was not easy to make as it required a lot of effort to get the right consistency and texture. But overall, the dish came out very well so wanted to share my experience on it, here it goes



Condensed Milk: 1 tin or 1 cup

Milk Solids ( Mawa): 1 and a 1/2 cup

Cardamom powder: 1 TSP powdered

NUTS for Garnish

Saffron for color (Optional)

Ghee or Clarified Butter: 1 Tbsp

Milk: 1 Tbsp


Instant Milk Peda


Take a deep bottomed pan and keep the gas in low, add 2 Tsp Ghee, then add in the condensed milk. Also, add the Milk solids, mix it thoroughly, and keep stirring. You will notice the condensed milk becoming thinner and the milk solids melting into it making it a semi-liquid mixture. 

Keep stirring, you will start noticing that the semi-liquid mixture is slowly turning thicker leaving the sides of the pan. At this time, add some more ghee and 1 Tbsp milk with the cardamom powder. Mix it well and again stir until it thickens.

If you are using saffron strands, first dissolve it in the milk and then add the saffron-colored milk to the peda mixture above.

You will see the mixture, almost like a soft dough consistency leaving the sides and not attached to the bottom either. Switch off the gas, allow it to cool. Make flat cylindrical balls placing them in your palm and your fingers. Insert a nut in the center as a garnish.

The peda consistency has to appear hard but soft on touch. Most importantly it should melt in your mouth.

Delicious peda is ready, serve it at room temperature.


You could add other flavors to it if needed.

The most tedious part for me was stirring to get the right consistency. So having a heavy spatula helped a lot.

I used a fork to make designs on the peda and it came out really well.

I did not have saffron strands hence had to do without it. The color was a beautiful shade of cream. 

I added pumpkin seed as a garnish to get a contrast in color.

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