Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food for thought....

Hi its been a while since I posted something but with two small kids, thats how it works. Anyway I met a woman the other day at our community park and she was there with her 15 month old son. We started talking and found out that she was originally from Argentina and she too like me had come to America at the age of 24-25. I was fascinated that her culture was so similar to ours. The way her family structure is and the reactions to situations are so alike.

She hails from Argentina and her mother tongue is Spanish. She was talking about how Argentina  has people from all backgrounds and most of them were descendents from Italian and Arabic countries. I was so happy listening to everything she had to say about her country, people and food. Their food consists of Salads, Pasta's, Fajita's and most importantly Steak which was a regular. This was mainly because of the Italian and Spanish influence.

Another interesting fact was that when we hear Spanish we immediately think Mexican but in Argentinian history, the native people were all killed and wiped out and thats why they do not have less Mexican and more Italian and other influences.

They too like us are very nosy and social. Like she was saying even if we go to buy bread we end up talking for hours and family togetherness is the core. It was such a pleasure to meet and interact with her.

After I got back home, It made me think that the world is indeed so small. There are so many countries with their own unique culture, people and distinct qualities yet we share some similar customs and traits here and there which makes us ponder on why we have so much Violence and wars.


Think about it

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