Saturday, December 12, 2020


Hi all, it's been a while but here I am. This recipe comes from my Mother's kitchen. If I have some creative genes, it's only because of her, she is amazingly creative. I was talking to her the other day and she told me about this quick recipe and how delicious it was. I decided to try it and with her permission posting it here so others can try it out and enjoy the same.

Its called 



Coriander leaves (Kothamalli) : 1/2 cup

Curry leaves: 1/4th cup

Ginger: 1 medium piece about 2 tbsp if chopped

Green Chilli: 1

Jaggery : 1 tbsp

Coconut: 1 Tbsp

Tamarind: 1 tsp or small penny sized

Salt as required

Mustard seeds: 1 tsp

Red Chilli: 1 medium

Hing a pinch

Oil : 1 Tsp


Cilantro-Curry leaves Thogayal/Chutney


Grind the Ginger, Coriander leaves, curry leaves, tamarind, coconut, jaggery, Green chilli and salt into a thick coarse thogayal consistency. You could add a bit of water to grind.

For tadka, add oil, once heated, add mustard seeds, Hing, Red chilli, once the mustard splutters, add it to the chutney/thogayal.

Simple, easy chutney.thogayal is ready to eat. if you made thogayal ( thicker variety, you could mix it to rice with sesame oil and eat it. If you made the chutney variety, you could serve it as a side to dosa/idli and even as a side to Molagutal


I made the chutney style, so I added more coconut (1 cup) than mentioned above and more water, however if you want to make the thogayal style, then follow the above measurements. 

Tadka is optional, you could make it without the tadka too.

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